Preventive reach out program

Targeting the at-risk communities, groups and community setting so as to mitigate the harm. This covers schools and institutions where young people are, urban and rural setting with young population out of schools, women and children who are either directly or indirectly affected by mental illnesses.
Why preventive approach?
- The purpose of the Reach out project is to develop and disseminate information, guidance, and training on the impact—including risks and benefits—that social media and substance use has on children and young people, especially the risks to their mental health.
- It will also examine clinical and social interventions that can be used to prevent and mitigate the risks. Many of these products are advertised on social media. Although there are benefits to social media use, there are clearly risks, too – especially when it comes to mental health, this new project will shed light on this challenge and provide us with best practices and guide us in protecting young from lurking dangers. Through creation of groups champions and training them to be roles/ behaviour change agents in the communities and institutions.
The Centre focuses on three priorities
- Education and resources around the risks and benefits of social media use for children and youth
- Culturally and linguistically appropriate technical assistance focusing on active learning, consultation, and support on how to best assist children and youth when interfacing with the digital world in a way that enhances their mental health while reducing harm
- Best practices and research updates