The great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness no one rejects dislikes avoids pleasure itself because it is pleasure but because know who do not those how to pursue pleasures rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful desires to obtain.
Read MoreOur mission is to reach out to the community and address the mental health gap (mhGAP).
We are a Community-Centred and Collaborative Integrated Mental Health Care Initiative.

Experts with over 25+ Years Of Experience

Core Principles
AMHI’s Reach out programs/activities are built around four central axes which are closely related
We are committed to offer an integrated system of prevention, early intervention, treatment, recovery and rehabilitation backed by scientific research and learning that can address the full spectrum of community mental, neurological and substance use-related (MNS) disorders.
This approach is a logical and necessary shift that our society must make at the population and community level mental health care and services along the continuum of care from interventions that promote positive mental health, and primary preventative interventions which strive to prevent the onset of MNS disorders; through to identification and case detection; as well as treatment, care and rehabilitation.